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Salary and Compensation Studies

Salary and Compensation Studies

As a district needs and/or resources change, they necessitate modifications in the assigned responsibilities of the existing employees. Since these new responsibilities are not usually distributed equitably, a disparity in the level of work performed by different employees in the same or similar classifications occurs. If left unaddressed for long, this disparity causes employee dissatisfaction and a deterioration of morale.

TSS conducts comprehensive salary/compensation studies to help school districts in compensating employees based on the concept of comparable worth. TSS conducts surveys of similar districts to obtain data for like classifications to determine appropriate compensation for the work performed by each classification. TSS studies are widely respected due to their objectivity, fairness, and accuracy.

If your district has experienced variations in the funding level or addition of new initiatives during the past several years resulting in the addition of new responsibilities to different employees, a TSS study can help ensure that each classification is paid appropriately for the work done. TSS performs a qualitative evaluation as well as quantitative assessment of the work and its worth to develop recommendations involving compensation levels, and if needed, reclassification of specific positions.

To request a proposal or to discuss your district’s specific needs, please contact us at (707) 422-6393 or click here.

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