Collective Bargaining Assistance and Training
Successful negotiations without acrimony are likely when there is mutual trust and respect, and a positive working relationship based on transparency and effective communication.
TSS provides services that help bargaining teams work together harmoniously and reach agreements that promote the district’s instructional and programmatic interests. TSS professionals have vast experience working with diverse groups and bring divergent interests together to create practicable solutions for our clients.
Your district can benefit from the TSS services that have been instrumental in assisting our clients through the collective bargaining process and producing excellent bargaining outcomes in the support of instruction and programs.
TSS services have been instrumental in assisting our clients through the collective bargaining process and producing excellent bargaining outcomes in the support of instruction and programs.
o request a proposal and learn how TSS can assist you in your collective bargaining process to hep usher in or maintain cordial and productive relationships with your employee associations, please contact us at
(707) 422-6393 or click