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Educational Program Review and Development

Educational Program Review and Development

TSS provides in-depth analysis of educational program delivery for quality, efficiency, impact, and effectiveness. TSS team of experienced school leaders brings multidimensional expertise to the task of a thorough, inquiry-based, data-driven review of every aspect of program delivery and resource allocation.

In today’s environment of high accountability and limited resources, program review is the key to ensuring the effective utilization of resources, time, effort, and talent. TSS can identify deficiencies and help you strengthen programs, so students are afforded the opportunity to achieve at optimal levels.

TSS associates are skilled and experienced leaders in school reform, having led successful efforts at creating or reconstituting systems in schools and districts, instruction, assessment, and professional development. These systems have enhanced the quality of uniform instruction, boosted student achievement, and vastly improved the professional experience for teachers.

TSS helps create lasting and durable systems, using assessment and performance data to drive instruction and improvement initiatives. These systems involve implementing universal, sound, and proven instructional practices emphasizing equity and building capacity in professionals to improve continuously and, ultimately, create an environment in which professionals come to own and direct school improvement efforts.

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