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Trend Analysis & Multi-Year Projections

Trend Analysis & Multi-Year Projections

A few critical indicators—if noticed and responded to in a timely manner—can help school districts avoid significant financial and political problems. A district’s past and projected data can highlight these indicators and, as a result, indicate the need for prompt, appropriate responses by the district’s board and administration.

TSS has proven expertise in analyzing historical trends to project difficulties client districts may face in the future. TSS professionals also have extensive experience in developing multiyear financial and budget projections to allow districts to determine the adequacy and availability of resources to meet financial obligations over a period of many years.

Trend analysis and multiyear projections, prepared by TSS, take into consideration the unique circumstances existing in a district as well as special needs that may arise. TSS also assists the client districts through the development of accurate cash flow statements to identify any cash related issues that may be expected over time.

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